Starting date

03 January 2022


24 Months


Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union


Youth with disabilities face multiple forms of discrimination which may lead to their exclusion from society and school. Attitudes toward children with disabilities, as well as the lack of resources to accommodate them, compound the challenges they face in accessing education. While lack of access to school is an issue, an equal concern is the inability of the education system to ensure quality education for youth with disabilities. In consequence, they suffer from low self esteem and lack the needed skills or knowledge to be able to apply for suitable jobs. 

While the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Education For All framework aims to meet the learning needs of all children and youth, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) recalls those obligations. Further, it specifies that “States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure the full enjoyment by children with disabilities of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with other children”, and “ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning” (articles 7 and 24).

Main aim of the project

The main objective is developing and creating learning aids for persons with disabilities, related to Green growth and culture.

For this purpose, we will design a curriculum and modules addressing the topic of green growth and culture. These curricula shall be used as extracurricular activities in the schools and for NGO training of youth. Furthermore, we want/will to extend this material and adjust it to the needs of disadvantaged youth with disabilities

Project objectives

Project target groups

A primary target audience would naturally consist of young persons with disability and their families and caretakers/caregivers, the staff employed in regular and special schools, associations of persons with disabilities, and NGOs. A considerably bigger variety of target audiences from all segments of the society will be extensively targeted by organizing multiplier events. This includes, but is not limited to:

The project will develop the following project results

  • Trained and motivated groups of young people sensitized and familiarized with the concept of green growth and its importance to protect cultural heritage.
  • Developed learning aids for young people with disabilities
  • Publicized curricula and learning material for extracurricular activities in the schools also accessible for the youth with disabilities. Young people have been sensitives to the needs of their peers with disabilities.
  • Extracurricular activities addressing the green growth has been organized in many schools by using the designed curricula and learning aids, the youth with disabilities also use the learning aids and increase their knowledge on the mentioned topics.
  • The idea of green growth has been disseminated by creative learning aids and easily accepted by youth as part of their personal beliefs and values system