first-kick-off meeting
Picture of Green Tools

Green Tools

All project partners joined the Kick-Off Meeting of the project “Designing green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities”  co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 6 partners from 6 countries:  North Macedonia, Romania, Austria, Albania, Sweden and Turkey. The KOM, was held in Tetovo, Macedonia on 20-21.06.2022.

During the kick-off meeting the partners defined technical and operational aspects of the Project Results and related activities. The goal of the meeting was also to define the project and financial management aspects as well as aspects pertaining to Internal Quality, Monitoring & Evaluation, Risk Management. Project partners discussed about the project results implementation, project timeframe administrative aspects and choose the project logo.

The project main objective is developing and creating learning aids for persons with disabilities, related to Green growth and culture.

For this purpose, a curriculum and modules will be designed addressing the topic of green growth and culture. These curricula shall be used as extracurricular activities in the schools and for NGO training of youth. Furthermore, we want/will to extend this material and adjust it to the needs of disadvantaged youth with disabilities.

The project will develop the following Project results:

R1: Developed learning content for the educational material suitable for young persons with disabilities of topics of green growth and culture
R2: Produced audio for visually impeded and special books as learning aids for young persons with intellectual disabilities
R3: Produced learning films about green growth and culture to each of the participating countries.
R4: Created mobile application and compassion the developed learning AIDS

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